Download your FREE eBook about learning English online
“Learning English Online: Ideas to Make It Work for You”
FREE – One-Minute Vocabulary Videos
Learn interesting English vocabulary in just ONE minute. This course adds new lessons each month and includes regular quizzes to test your memory of these new words. Best of all, it’s free!

Numbers Mini-Course – Use numbers confidently in English!
Practice listening to English numbers in songs!

Advanced Phrasal Verbs Mini-Course – Part 1
Do you feel like you are repeating the same basic vocabulary all the time in English? This mini-course aims to help you recognize situations where you can replace some of the more basic verbs in English with more natural sounding phrasal verbs to make your conversation a little more varied and concise. You will learn 45 phrasal verbs with three audio lessons, including lesson handouts, audio transcripts and lesson quizzes. For half the cost of a 30 minute lesson, get more than 30 minutes of audio lessons and additional supporting materials.
What Students Say
Laura. 老師是位很認真負責的線上老師。及時針對課程做出調整,課程中適時地糾正我的發音用字及文法。即便是第一堂課,卻也學到很多東西。