Find your first video and REPLY to post your last video
This video will let you compare your progress during this course.
If you don’t remember how to upload to FlipGrid, there is a tutorial video in the “Let’s Get Started – Orientation” Section of this course (see the left side of the screen for the “How to Use this Course” Section’s “How to – FlipGrid Tutorial“).
**Now that you have completed this course, be sure that you clicked on “Mark Complete” in ALL of the lessons. If you mark all the lessons complete and have gotten all the way here, you have earned a Certificate of Completion! Be sure to download your certificate from the top of your lesson. **
Please let me know what you thought about the course!
I’m always trying to improve the lessons to make them better for all of you, so your thoughts would be very helpful!
Use Google Translate to translate this page. Remember that Google Translate can make very strange translations!